When parents get divorced, they need to take steps to divide custody of their children. Odds are that both parents have a right to custody, but they’re going to have to split it up as they become co-parents after the divorce. When many people talk about custody, they...
It’s Important To Have Someone You Trust By Your Side
Custody & Visitation
Preparing to co-parent with someone you don’t know well
Not all co-parents are divorced couples or even couples who had a long-term relationship that ended. Sometimes, people who only had a casual relationship find themselves future parents and decide they both want to be parents and involved in raising the child – just...
How remarriage can affect child custody
Remarriage can bring about changes in many aspects of family life, including child custody arrangements. When parents decide to remarry, it can also raise questions and concerns about how this new dynamic will impact their children's living arrangements and...
Ways parents can make their kids feel they have to choose sides
Divorce can be hard on all family members, especially children. Amid emotional turmoil, parents may unintentionally place their children in the difficult position of feeling they have to choose sides. Recognizing and avoiding such unintentional pressure can foster a...
Why add virtual visitation terms to your parenting plan?
For many families, virtual visitation has become an important element of co-parenting arrangements, especially when significant distance makes in-person parenting time a challenge and/or when kids are going through a rough time and parents need to be more present than...
Child custody shifting toward equality
In the not-so-distant past, the realm of child custody battles often tilted in favor of mothers. However, a subtle transformation is taking place, altering the landscape for fathers seeking custody rights. This shift reflects an evolving societal perspective on...
Retaining control over custody arrangements through negotiation
Letting the court decide on your custody issues can assure you of a fair judgment. Nevertheless, this dispute resolution method leaves you with little to no control over the terms of the custody and visitation plan. Fortunately, you can reach a fair custody agreement...
Mistakes to avoid making during your divorce
Divorce is a complicated and emotionally charged time for anyone who goes through it. Between dealing with the legal aspects, the difficult decisions parents have to make and adapting to a new reality, it can often feel overwhelming and sometimes unbearable. It is...
Do moms get an advantage in custody arrangements in a divorce?
The end of a marriage is a challenging time for everyone involved, especially when children are in the picture. Deciding who gets custody of the children can be a highly emotional and complex process. A common belief is that courts favor mothers in custody...
Do you need supervised visitation for your spouse during divorce?
During a California divorce, determining child custody is a critical matter. As you find your way through this intricate process, one question might loom in your mind. Should you advocate for your spouse to have only supervised visitation with your children? Many...