Navigating Asset Division During Divorce Or Separation
Ending a marriage requires addressing the property and finances you’ve acquired during the marriage, as well as those you may have brought into the marriage. California is a community property state, which means that the property you gained while married is considered equally owned by both of you (with some limited exceptions). There are many nuances to consider, however. Untangling separate versus community property can be a complicated endeavor.
At Amaral Law Inc., I can help you address these and other issues in your divorce or separation. I’m Tamran Amaral, a family law attorney with more than two decades of experience in the field. I am well-versed in the intricacies of California family law, including the nuances of property and debt division.
You can turn to me for guidance on handling property issues involving:
- Houses and real estate
- Business interests
- 401(k)s, IRAs and other retirement accounts
- Pensions
- Stocks and stock options
- Checking, savings and investment accounts
- Gifts and inheritances
- Debts
- Pets
Frequently Asked Questions About Property Division In Divorce
What Is Community Property?
Does Community Property Have To Be Divided 50-50?
What Happens If My Spouse Tries To Hide Assets?
Your lawyer can use various tools, including enlisting forensic accountants, to track down the assets. If the assets have already been spent or squandered, you can pursue recourse in court. California law penalizes those who try to hide assets in divorce by granting those assets to the other party.