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What could help make child custody matters easier in a divorce?

On Behalf of | Oct 10, 2022 | Custody & Visitation, Family Law |

Making decisions about child custody in a divorce can be complicated and often emotional. But it is essential that you learn how to go about the situation without allowing feelings to cause problems.

Ideally, when you are working out child custody, you should only focus on the children. It comes down to what is best for them and your feelings rarely matter. To help you be able to do this, there is a trick you can use to help you through the process and to make it easier for everyone.

Change your mindset

It can help you to deal more easily with child custody matters if you change the way you think about your spouse. Instead of looking at him or her as the person you used to love and who is breaking your heart, you should adjust your mindset to consider this person as your children’s other parent. This simple switch in thinking can do a lot to help you through custody matters.

Parent vs. spouse

When you consider your spouse as a parent instead of as your soon-to-be-ex, it changes a lot. You can more easily push aside bad feelings or issues you have as a couple. It allows you to think about only how he or she parents your children. It is often the case that while a person may not make a good partner in a romantic relationship, they are an exceptional parent. Seeing this part of the person can help you immensely to focus your efforts on what is best for the children and to avoid thinking about your personal inclinations.