Getting married is also a financial commitment that warrants consideration and planning. One aspect of this planning involves knowing the process of marital property division should the marriage end in divorce. A prenuptial agreement (prenup) can be crucial in this...
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Stockton Family Law Blog
Understanding the different types of child custody
Child custody is a crucial aspect of divorce and separation, as it determines the living arrangements and care of the children involved. Understanding the different types of child custody can help parents make informed decisions that best suit their children's needs....
Avoid putting your adult child in the middle of your divorce
Usually, it’s the parents of young children who find themselves wondering how to navigate their divorces without stressing out their children. However, divorce rates among seniors have skyrocketed in recent years, to the point that one out of every four divorces...
Making virtual visitation work with toddlers and preschoolers
Making virtual visitation work with toddlers and preschoolers can be challenging, but with some thoughtful planning and creativity, co-parents can ensure these sessions are engaging and beneficial for their young children. For starters, toddlers and preschoolers have...
How are legal and physical custody different?
When parents get divorced, they need to take steps to divide custody of their children. Odds are that both parents have a right to custody, but they’re going to have to split it up as they become co-parents after the divorce. When many people talk about custody, they...
Preparing to co-parent with someone you don’t know well
Not all co-parents are divorced couples or even couples who had a long-term relationship that ended. Sometimes, people who only had a casual relationship find themselves future parents and decide they both want to be parents and involved in raising the child – just...
How remarriage can affect child custody
Remarriage can bring about changes in many aspects of family life, including child custody arrangements. When parents decide to remarry, it can also raise questions and concerns about how this new dynamic will impact their children's living arrangements and...
Does the age you married make divorce more likely?
Once upon a time, it was common for people to marry very young. They also started families very young compared to most people today. Yet, in those times, divorce was relatively rare, and couples that married young tended to stay married for life. Then things changed,...
What you need to know about debt division in a California divorce
Typically, debt that you acquired as a couple during a divorce is split, just as assets are. These include debts like credit card balances, mortgages, car loans and other debts accrued during the marriage. You can divide these debts, collectively known as marital...
How wealth can make divorce both more and less likely
Wealth and divorce often go hand-in-hand. But that doesn’t mean that they work the same way in every relationship. If you’re moving toward a divorce, the role that financial assets play could be very different than it will be for someone else. For example, wealth can...