Many people living in California enter into marriage and wind up sacrificing their careers in the process. Maybe they do so to free up more time for raising children, or perhaps they do so to be able to spend more time at home catering to their partners. Regardless of...
It’s Important To Have Someone You Trust By Your Side
Division of Assets and Debts
What should business owners know about divorce?
When going through divorce, it is important for business owners to take steps during the asset division process to properly value the business. A family business counts as "property" in the eyes of the law, but it is important to understand whether part or all of it...
Preparing your finances for property division during your divorce
If you are facing divorce, you are probably concerned about the property division phase of the proceedings. Preparing your finances in advance. Becoming well organized will make the process go more smoothly. Pull your financial records together Becoming organized...
Who gets the family home in a divorce?
Part of divorce proceedings is the categorization and division of assets according to California law. Like all assets in a California divorce case, what happens to the house depends on whether it is marital or separate property? Is the house marital or separate...
How married couples can keep property separate
People never enter marriages intending them to end in divorce. In reality, though, not all unions survive. Divorce courts are responsible for separating assets between splitting partners. They consider everything to be marital property unless contradictory proof is...
Who gets the family business in a divorce?
A California divorce involves many moving parts. If you and your spouse own a business together, you may need to take extra steps during asset division to divide its value accordingly. Your degree of entitlement when it comes to the family business, and that of your...
Ways to keep your separate property in a divorce
As a community property state, California considers a married couple one legal "community." The law views all assets and debts obtained by either person during the marriage as shared property. During a divorce, the courts typically divide this community property...
Divorce may alter your retirement plans
The impact of a divorce on your present and future may require a massive change in plans. One area where you may feel the brunt of a split is retirement. Absent a prenuptial agreement that addresses how money divides, you may want to prepare yourself for what such a...
What happens to a small business in divorce?
Financial and child-related issues in divorce cause some of the most frustration and conflict. If you own a small business, your financial separation may prove even more complicated. What happens to your business should you find yourself on the path to divorce? When...
Will I lose my home in the divorce?
Ending your marriage can be costly in many ways — socially, emotionally and financially. If you are facing divorce, the future may suddenly seem full of uncertainty, and you need answers. Some of your biggest questions likely have to do with your home. Your house is...