You and your spouse have decided to go your separate ways. Now what? One of the more urgent tasks you’ll need to complete involves dividing your personal possessions. Dividing significant assets and liabilities can take a great deal of time and effort. But, if you and...
It’s Important To Have Someone You Trust By Your Side
Division of Assets and Debts
Options for the family home during a California divorce
One of the most painful things a couple must address during divorce is what to do about the family home. With its many memories and milestone moments, it can be difficult for either party to part with their home. Since this asset holds financial and emotional value,...
What is the role of a prenup in marital property division?
Getting married is also a financial commitment that warrants consideration and planning. One aspect of this planning involves knowing the process of marital property division should the marriage end in divorce. A prenuptial agreement (prenup) can be crucial in this...
How wealth can make divorce both more and less likely
Wealth and divorce often go hand-in-hand. But that doesn’t mean that they work the same way in every relationship. If you’re moving toward a divorce, the role that financial assets play could be very different than it will be for someone else. For example, wealth can...
Should you consider taking your alimony in a lump sum if offered?
California law allows a number of types of alimony. Most of these are temporary to allow the lesser- or non-earning spouse a chance to acquire the experience, skills, connections and/or education they need to become self-supporting after divorce. There’s also a...
What happens to retirement accounts in divorce?
Retirement accounts are an essential part of marital assets. These accounts typically have to be divided as part of the property division process if the couple goes through a divorce. Several factors determine exactly how these retirement accounts are handled during...
Can separate property become community property?
As a community property state, California courts equally divide assets and debts that divorcing couples amassed during the marriage. This process means state laws entitle each party to 50% or half of their marital wealth and liabilities. On the other hand, anything...
Property division challenges in gray divorces
As people live longer, healthier lives, more older adults see the benefits of divorcing in their golden years. While divorce can allow a person to enjoy new freedoms, doing so after being married for so long can present unique challenges. One of the biggest hurdles in...
Dividing investment properties in a California divorce
Undergoing a divorce poses numerous challenges, both emotionally and financially. One such hurdle involves determining how to split investment properties. In California, the process follows unique legal guidelines, which make understanding the rules essential for an...
Financial professionals you may need in a divorce
When your California marriage ends, you may question what your future is going to look like in the absence of your husband or wife. You may also have concerns about retirement, taxes and similar financial matters, especially if your former spouse was the one who...