Letting the court decide on your custody issues can assure you of a fair judgment. Nevertheless, this dispute resolution method leaves you with little to no control over the terms of the custody and visitation plan. Fortunately, you can reach a fair custody agreement...
It’s Important To Have Someone You Trust By Your Side
Custody & Visitation
Mistakes to avoid making during your divorce
Divorce is a complicated and emotionally charged time for anyone who goes through it. Between dealing with the legal aspects, the difficult decisions parents have to make and adapting to a new reality, it can often feel overwhelming and sometimes unbearable. It is...
Do moms get an advantage in custody arrangements in a divorce?
The end of a marriage is a challenging time for everyone involved, especially when children are in the picture. Deciding who gets custody of the children can be a highly emotional and complex process. A common belief is that courts favor mothers in custody...
Do you need supervised visitation for your spouse during divorce?
During a California divorce, determining child custody is a critical matter. As you find your way through this intricate process, one question might loom in your mind. Should you advocate for your spouse to have only supervised visitation with your children? Many...
Enforcing a custody order
If you cannot see your child because of your former partner's refusal to respect your rights in accordance with a child custody order, it is critical to take action at once. In California, you have a number of options with regard to enforcing a child custody order....
Understanding the 2/2/5/5 custody arrangement
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, approximately 360,000 people got a divorce in 2022, with almost half of those divorces involving children. Child custody schedules are an important aspect of any divorce proceeding involving children. These schedules provide...
Avoid these 3 common co-parenting mistakes
When your California marriage or relationship ends and you have a child with your former partner, you may have to learn to co-parent with one another until your child comes of age. While effective co-parenting is not always easy, research shows that your child...
Avoid making these mistakes with your children after a split
Ending a marriage or intimate relationship comes at a price for both parties. However, those who often pay the highest toll during and after a split are the children shared between the couple. Whether parents wed or not, a breakup can leave an indelible mark on...
How do you modify a child custody agreement in California?
Child custody orders leave room for future flexibility. California family law recognizes that circumstances change, and sometimes custody agreements require modification. Who can request a custody modification? Custodial and non-custodial parents have the right to...
Child custody rights for unmarried parents
There are many custody arrangement options available for unmarried parents in California. Parents who are not married should know their rights regarding child custody and visitation. Furthermore, it is important for unmarried parents to pursue custody arrangements...